Monday, 2 July 2012

Great Diabetic musicians to make me feel better.

I know the last couple of posts have been video posts and not the rants I intended, but there are a couple coming; My opinion on Trivium as a live force and a rant about the over genrefication of heavy metal.

For this though, I was having a bad diabetic day ... always a good start. Anyway, I was looking on-line at a few diabetic sites and kept getting lists of famous Diabetics. It may sound kind of twee or cheesy, but it's inspirational to see some of the names up there.

So, here's some of my favourite songs by diabetic musicians. Some I had no idea that they were diabetic. It's been eye opening to see just how many Diabetic musicians, actors, etc. are out there. And not just type 2 either. I don't know why it was so surprising, but it was. It helps you see that if they can do what they do while living with Diabetes, you really have very little excuse for letting it control you.

Everybody has good and bad days with their control, and indeed their lives, but it just helps show that overall  it is ultimately manageable. You control it, or it controls you! It's that simple. Sometimes I forget that.

Anyway. here's the list

First up, Eric Clapton & B.B. King - Riding With The King.

B.B. King is Diabetic. He's been a type 2 diabetic for over 20 years. Still going strong!

Next Up, Poison - Unskinny Bop.

Bret Michaels always comes to mind when I think about this kind of thing. Diagnosed when he was 6, Michaels had to learn to balance being Diabetic while being in one of the biggest rock bands on the planet. No mean feat!

Another legend, Meatloaf - LosAngeloser.

Not an obvious choice of songs, but I like it. Hang Cool Teddy Bear was a criminally overlooked album. Who'd have thunk Meatloaf would have developed Type 2 diabetes.

Penultimate one, Pink Floyd - Bike.

Syd Barret, while dealing with all the issues he had was also a type 2 Diabetic. Here's a great old song which Steph and I names a mouse in the garden after ;)

Last one, Audioslave - Cochise

Drummer Brad Wilk is a type 1 diabetic. He was diagnosed when he was 28. This was in '96, just as Rage were touring Evil Empire. Like Michaels there was a hard balance to strike there. Interestingly, since his diagnosis both his brother and sister have been diagnosed.

I went for this over a Rage song because I just remember how blown away I was when I first heard this.

Anyone else got any they'd like to add?

Well .... take it easy people!


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